[Blog] Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris

[Blog] Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Idiom, peribahasa, dan ungkapan adalah bagian penting dari bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. 
  • Ketiganya muncul setiap saat dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis dan lisan. 
  • Karena idiom tidak selalu dapat diartikan secara harfiah, Anda harus mengetahui arti dan penggunaan dari masing-masing idiom.
  • Sepertinya terlihat berat, tetapi belajar idiom itu menyenangkan, terutama saat Anda membandingkan idiom dalam bahasa Inggris dengan idiom dalam bahasa Anda sendiri.
  • Idiom-idiom dalam bahasa Inggris ini sangat sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari di Amerika Serikat. Anda akan mendengarnya dalam film dan acara TV, serta dapat menggunakannya untuk membuat bahasa Inggris Anda terlihat lebih mirip dengan penutur asli.


Hit the books

Literally, hit the books means to physically hit, punch or slap your reading books. However, this is a commonly used expression among students, especially American college students who have a lot of studying to do. It simply means “to study,” and is a way of telling your friends that you’re going to study.

It could be for a final exam, a midterm test or even an English exam.

“Sorry but I can’t watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I have a huge exam next week!”

Hit the sack/hay = to sleep (Tidur)

Actually to hit the sack means to go to bed, and you’d use this to tell your friends or family that you’re really tired, so you’re going to sleep.

“It’s time for me to hit the sack, I’m so tired.”

Pay/cost an arm and a leg for something = mahal sekali

“The price of chocolate has doubled. I nearly paid an arm and a leg for a small candy bar.”

“Chocolate costs an arm and a leg now.”

A piece of cake = very easy (mudah)

A piece of cake refers to a task or job that’s easy to complete or accomplish.

“I expected the English test to be difficult but it was a piece of cake.”

Under the weather = sakit

If you’re feeling under the weather, you’re not your usual self and could be feeling a little sick. The sick feeling is nothing serious—perhaps it’s just extreme tiredness from studying too much, or having a bad headache because you’re starting to get the flu.

“What’s wrong with Katy, mom?”

“She’s feeling a little under the weather so be quiet and let her rest.”

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